Anxious about health?
As a Holistic Wellness Practitioner, I am getting a lot of messages and calls from my friends, family and clients about the current health concern. I first tell them I'm not worried. What!!!! Why???? Because I do what I normally do to support my body and keep myself well. I have added an extra precaution or two, but I am not that concerned. My immune system is not compromised, and that is what usually gets people sick at these times.
If you are anxious about the situation, and need help with that, there are homeopathic remedies that can assist with that. Also, as a professional Aromatherapist, I find that many people are comforted with certain scents and therapies using essential oils. Our "A" spray or “A” inhaler can help tremendously with anxiety.
I use a great anti-viral blend in a rollerball around my nostrils to keep the "bugs" away, as well as a homemade hand sanitizer using the same blend. I also recommend to my clients to use a humidifier in their home at all times when the air is dry during the winter months. Viruses love dry air!
So here are my tips: wash your hands, get plenty of rest, eat whole foods, don't watch the news (or at least, limit it), and most of all, remember that we at Rock + Rose Wellness are here to help if you need it!
"Focus on what one can change and accept the things one cannot change."